Will I get lost climbing Mt. Akadake by myself?
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Will I get lost climbing Mt. Akadake by myself?

by Kristin
(London, England)

Hi Gary, my name is Kristin and I came across your blog while researching hiking Mt. Akadake. I will be in Japan in a few weeks for work and would like to do a two day hike. Initially I wanted to do Mt. Fuji but then I read that you'll be standing in lines to get to the top, which is not really my idea of hiking.

So I found Mt. Akadake instead. The only problem is that there is not a lot of info on the hike. I'm a 32 year old female who doesn't speak Japanese - would I be okay to hike by myself? Is it easy to follow the trail? Mostly I'm nervous about getting lost. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! - Kristin

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Aug 06, 2019
I think you'll be ok...
by: Gary Wolff

Kristin, I haven’t climbed Aka-dake in nearly 2 decades, so I don’t guess I’m the most reliable source of info, 🙂 but I don’t recall Aka-dake being THAT difficult to climb.... essentially just a pretty LONG day hike, with an elevation gain of around 1400 m as you can see on the elevation profile map on my Mt. Yatsu-ga-take webpage.

In my case, I took a more leisurely pace, stretching it into a 3-day trip from Tokyo.

Another option would be to post your question in the Facebook "Hiking in Japan" group. The folks there are very helpful: https://www.facebook.com/groups/9872778764/

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site…

Gary ​​

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