Yoshimizu always gives me surprise!
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Yoshimizu always gives me surprise!

by Meiyan

Since I saw his paintings for the first time, I was really surprised! Because Yoshimizu...though he always says that his paintings are not really good (”まだまだだよ” is his favorite phrase :P ha-ha), I think he has a talent for art.

I'm not good at art, but I do like his art. Hope all his dreams come true!! Always support you! :)

p.s. Have you put this page on your Facebook? Or be able to link to your fb page? Just...you may need to open your page to the public, so you need to think about it. And is it possible to put some introduction of you on this page? I know this is your teacher's blog, so... just a little suggestions, so please don't think them so seriously, oki? :D

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Jan 30, 2011
Re: Yoshimizu always gives me surprise!
by: yoshimizu

Thanks your comment!

everytime you see my picture,you commend me...
And I never forget you bought my postcard in previous art event.
Great Thanks Meiyan!

And, of course my skill of painting is not so good;-)
So I continue painting,considering,and doing hard work to be more well painter!
Thank you stopping by :-)

Jan 15, 2011
Suggestions for Yoshimizu
by: Gary Wolff

Great comments, Meiyan. Thanks for writing.

Yoshi has already taken care of your Facebook link suggestion, and I think it's a great idea that he should write up a short biographical sketch (in both English & Japanese) that we can put at the top of his page.

Thanks for stopping by !

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